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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Sky-High Drug Prices Driven by Pharma Profits, House Dems Charge

Enormous drug company profits are the primary driver of soaring prescription drug prices in America, according to a damning investigation that Democrats on the House Oversight Committee began releasing Wednesday.

The first two reports in the investigation focus on Celgene and Bristol Myers Squibb’s Revlimid cancer treatment, which saw its price hiked 23 times since 2005, and Teva’s multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone, which went up in price 27 times since 2007.

Those costs have little to do with research and development or industry efforts to help people afford medication, as drug companies often claim, according to the probe.

“It’s true, many of these pharmaceutical industries have come up with lifesaving and pain-relieving medications, but they’re killing us with the prices they charge,” Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) said as the hearings began Wednesday. He added that “uninhibited pricing power has transformed America’s pain into pharma’s profit.”

The top Republican on the committee, Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, called the investigation a partisan attack. “These hearings seem designed simply to vilify and publicly shame pharmaceutical company executives,” Comer said.

Much of the drug industry’s profits come at the expense of taxpayers and the Medicare program, are used to pay generous executive bonuses and are guarded by aggressive lobbying and efforts to block competition, regulation or systemic change in the United States while the rest of the world pays less, the reports say.

“The drug companies are bringing in tens of billions of dollars in revenues, making astronomical profits, and rewarding their executives with lavish compensation packages — all without any apparent limit on what they can charge,” committee chair Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) wrote in a letter attached to the first two staff reports.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the former committee chairperson who died last October, launched the probe more than a year ago. It has since produced more than a million documents. CEOs of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Celgene and Bristol Myers Squibb were testifying Wednesday.

Amgen, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and Novartis were scheduled to appear Thursday.

Celgene CEO Mark Alles verified the accuracy of the documents obtained by the committee and argued that the company’s pricing is entirely aboveboard and merited.

Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) broke down the profits for Celgene in an especially personal way, telling Alles exactly how much of his $13 million compensation came from a bonus off Revlimid price hikes: $500,000, pegged to profits from that one drug.

Porter wrote the increasing prices for Revlimid on a whiteboard as she asked Alles if the drug got better over the years. He said it got approved for more uses, prompting Porter to shoot back that that meant more patients, not an improved drug.

“You received half a million dollars, personally, just by tripling the price of Revlimid,” Porter said. “To recap here, the drug didn’t get any better. The cancer patients didn’t get any better. You just got better at making money.” Porter noted that taxpayers spent $3.3 billion on Revlimid for Medicare beneficiaries.

(Source: House Committee on Oversight and Reform via Capitol News Forum)

Teva CEO Kåre Schultz demurred from addressing specific questions about much of the report, saying he took over only in 2017, in part to repair a company suffering after its Copaxone patent finally expired.

He also sounded the familiar refrain that prices are justified by research costs.

“In order for any pharmaceutical company to research and develop new drugs, or improve old ones, the price of successful medicines must reflect the significant cost of ongoing research and development projects,” Schultz said. “The public only sees and pays for the drugs that are ultimately approved by the government, like Copaxone, but you have to expend a lot of resources and endure many disappointments before bringing to the market safe and effective medicines.”

Maloney’s letter called the exorbitant price hikes for vital drugs “simply unsustainable,” and said she hopes the investigation spurs change.

Several themes common to pricing practices emerge in both reports, particularly aggressive pricing strategies that depend on the U.S. market and are divorced from underlying costs of manufacturing or development.

In the case of Revlimid, Celgene hiked the price from $215 per pill to $719 per pill when Bristol Myers Squibb gained the rights to it last year. The drug now costs $763 per pill, or $16,023 for a monthly course — more than three times the original cost in 2005.

In the case of Copaxone, Teva raised its price from less than $10,000 for a yearly course in 1997 to nearly $70,000.

Such price hikes have been predictably profitable. Teva has banked more than $34 billion in net profits in the United States alone, while Revlimid spun off $32 billion from the United States from 2009 to 2018 for Celgene. Medicare alone paid $17.5 billion for Revlimid from 2010 to 2018.

According to emails released with the reports, executives raised prices at will to meet quarterly profit goals, unrelated to costs. In one such case in 2014, then-Celgene executive vice president Mark Alles, who later became CEO, ordered up price hikes simply to juice flagging first-quarter numbers. “I have to consider every legitimate opportunity available to us to improve our Q1 performance,” Alles wrote. The first of two hikes was carried out less than a week later.

The investigation also undercuts the pharmaceutical industry’s claims that increased rebates, discounts and fees paid to pharmacy benefit managers drive prices. In the case of Revlimid, the largest discount Celgene ever paid in the commercial market was 5%, and the drug’s average net price after rebates, discounts and fees rose every year. Celgene’s Revlimid copay program cost just 0.16% of its net U.S. revenue from 2011 to 2018.

The average net price of Teva’s Copaxone similarly spiked every year until 2017 when a generic finally hit the market. Indeed, while Teva touted its patient assistance programs as a cost driver and a way to help people afford the drug, internally it described those efforts as a marketing ploy that spurred sales. For instance, the $70 million Teva spent on “Private Insurance Financial Assistance” yielded a 451% return on investment, internal documents show.

The oft-mentioned R&D also does not account for costs. In the case of Teva, it’s particularly glaring. Teva identified $689 million in development costs since 1989 — only about 2% of its U.S. profits from 2002 to 2019.

For Revlimid, the drug stemmed from basic research done in government-backed studies on thalidomide and related compounds. Celgene swooped in after the research showed the promise of the compound that would become Revlimid. And as it justified price hikes, Celgene’s internal documents cited the value of the drug, not the costs to develop it. To prove the value, it cited numerous research studies, many of which were done by others, including the National Institutes of Health.

While offering spurious rationales for raising prices, the companies worked hard to protect those prices, the investigation found. The most well-known are the aggressive lobbying tactics that the pharma industry deploys.

But there are many others, including using the high cost of the drugs themselves as a deterrent by making it extremely expensive for generic developers to buy enough samples for their own studies. In one case, Celgene used an FDA-required Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy — which limits the distribution of risky drugs — to “prevent or delay 14 generic manufacturers from purchasing sufficient samples of Revlimid to obtain FDA approval,” the report on Celgene said.

The single-greatest step to curb prices, according to the report, would be to allow Medicare to negotiate prices. Both reports note how the companies highlight the noncompetitive U.S. market — specifically Medicare — as the means to ensure high profits.

For instance, the report says, “internal Teva documents warned that the legislative reform that posed the greatest threat to Teva’s future revenue was ‘Medicare Reform: Removal of government non-interference.’”

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Salud sobre ruedas: casas rodantes ofrecen tratamiento contra la adicción en comunidades rurales remotas

STERLING, Colorado – Tonja Jiménez no es la única persona que conduce una casa rodante por las carreteras rurales de Colorado. Pero a diferencia de los otros vehículos recreativos, el suyo, de 34 pies de largo, está equipado para ser una clínica de tratamiento de adicciones sobre ruedas.

Jiménez acerca tratamientos que salvan vidas a la esquina noreste del estado, donde los pacientes con adicciones a menudo son abandonados a su suerte.

Como en muchos estados, el acceso al tratamiento de las adicciones sigue siendo un desafío en Colorado, por lo que un nuevo programa estatal ha transformado seis de estos vehículos en clínicas móviles para llegar a comunidades rurales aisladas y a pueblos remotos en las montañas.

Y en los últimos meses se han vuelto más cruciales. Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, cuando las clínicas tradicionales han cerrado o dejado de aceptar nuevos pacientes, estas clínicas rodantes han seguido funcionando, excepto por una parada en el taller este verano para reparar el aire acondicionado.

Sus equipos de salud realizan pruebas y consultas en persona. Y como no siempre hay acceso a banda ancha, las clínicas rodantes también proporcionan un puente de telesalud a los proveedores médicos de las grandes ciudades.

Trabajando desde lejos, estos proveedores pueden recetar medicamentos para combatir la adicción y el omnipresente riesgo de la sobredosis, la gran amenaza en medio del aislamiento y el estrés de la pandemia.

Las clínicas móviles de salud llevan años proporcionando pruebas de visión, tratamiento del asma y odontología en lugares sin atención adecuada. Pero usar la atención médica sobre ruedas para tratar la adicción no es tan común. Tampoco lo es equipar las casas rodantes con capacidad de telesalud que permite recetar y tratar a  pacientes alejados en zonas rurales de difícil acceso.

“Llevamos el tratamiento a nuestros pacientes y nos encontramos con ellos donde ellos están”, dijo Donna Goldstrom, directora de Front Range Clinic, un consultorio de Fort Collins, Colorado, que opera cuatro casas rodantes. “Encontrarlos donde están físicamente nos ayuda a saber dónde están motivacional y sicológicamente”.

Cada autocaravana cuenta con una enfermera, un consejero y un especialista que tiene experiencia personal con la adicción. Todos tuvieron que aprender a conducir un vehículo de ese tamaño.

“Cuando fui a la escuela de enfermería nunca pensé que acabaría haciendo esto”, comentó la enfermera Christi Couron, mientras le ponía 52 galones de diesel al camión en el que trabaja con Jiménez.

El equipo ha conducido más de 30,000 millas en su clínica sobre ruedas desde enero, gran parte del viaje con un parabrisas agrietado, cortesía de una tormenta de verano con granizo. Cuatro días a la semana, recorren las carreteras desde Greeley hasta los pueblos más pequeños cerca de la frontera con Nebraska, haciendo muchas millas a lo largo y ancho del estado.

En un terreno polvoriento, delante de un centro de rehabilitación en Sterling, Jiménez, la especialista en adicciones, activa la nivelación hidráulica del vehículo para equilibrarlo, y el equipo se prepara para recibir a los pacientes del día.

El asiento del pasajero es giratorio y se voltea hacia una mesa donde Jimenez verá a los pacientes. Sobre la mesa hay una impresora, un escáner, una computadora portátil y una etiquetadora. Debajo hay una caja llena de vasos para muestras y un galón de líquido limpiaparabrisas. El vehículo cuenta ahora también con muchas mascarillas quirúrgicas y suministros de limpieza.

Después que los pacientes se registran, van al baño de la casa rodante para dar una muestra de orina. Las tiras reactivas en los lados del vaso muestran instantáneamente si alguna de las 13 categorías de drogas —desde opiáceos hasta antidepresivos— están en la orina. La muestra se deja luego en un laboratorio para confirmar los resultados y determinar de qué droga se trata. Los resultados ayudan al equipo a tratar a los pacientes y a asegurarse de que toman las recetas que se les dan.

Los pacientes se dirigen luego a una pequeña sala en la parte posterior, donde se conectan por video con una enfermera o un asistente médico en una clínica tradicional.

Si todo va bien, el proveedor enviará una receta para suboxona (un medicamento combinado que contiene buprenorfina, que reduce el deseo de consumir opioides) o para Vivitrol (una versión inyectable mensual de naltrexona, que bloquea los receptores de opioides).

Cada autocaravana cuenta con una enfermera, un consejero y un especialista, todos capacitados para conducir una clínica sobre ruedas de 34 pies de largo. "Cuando fui a la escuela de enfermería nunca pensé que acabaría haciendo esto", comentó la enfermera Christi Couron, mientras bombeaba 52 galones de diesel en la autocaravana.

La enfermera Christi Couron prepara muestras de orina en la clínica móvil de tratamiento de adicciones para enviarlas al laboratorio. Las tiras reactivas en el vaso de muestras dan una evaluación temprana al detectar instantáneamente 13 categorías de drogas, desde opioides hasta antidepresivos. Los pacientes que visitan la clínica sobre ruedas también pueden conectarse vía telemedicina con proveedores médicos que pueden recetar medicamentos para combatir la adicción.

Una vez que el personal tiene la receta, la enfermera de la autocaravana puede administrar directamente esas inyecciones de Vivitrol y distribuir Narcan, un medicamento que revertirá una eventual sobredosis de opioides. Las recetas de suboxona se deben comprar en una farmacia local.

Los pacientes también pueden depositar las agujas usadas en un contenedor para su eliminación, pero el personal no está autorizado a distribuir agujas limpias. Algunos pacientes hablarán con el consejero, Nicky McLean, en un espacio lo suficientemente grande como para que quepan una mesa y dos sillas.

En minutos, una pareja, que pidió no ser identificada por su nombre debido al estigma que rodea a la adicción, llega temprano a sus citas. Le han traído al personal enchiladas de pollo caseras. Habían estado gastando $8,000 al mes comprando OxyContin en la calle, y tanto sus vidas como sus finanzas eran un desastre. Él perdió su casa. Ella necesita análisis de orina libres de droga para ver a su hijo. La pareja había comenzado su tratamiento de adicción sólo tres semanas antes, después de que él supo de la clínica sobre ruedas por un amigo.

Ya no tienen auto, así que caminaron media hora para llegar a su cita.

“Hubiéramos hecho cualquier cosa para conseguir nuestras medicinas”, dijo ella. “Caminar 30 minutos para mejorar vale la pena”.

Antes de terminar ya hay otro paciente en la puerta. Spencer Nash, de 29 años, ha estado usando opioides desde que tenía 18. Hace nueve años, cuando su esposa quedó embarazada, la pareja decidió “limpiarse”, conduciendo dos horas de ida y dos de vuelta, seis días a la semana, a una clínica de metadona en Fort Collins. Ahora, él camina  la casa rodante, junto al centro de rehabilitación donde vive, para obtener su receta de Suboxone.

Llenar vacíos

Hace unos años, Robert Werthwein, director de la Oficina de Salud Conductual de Colorado, se enteró de un proyecto que usaba autocaravanas para el tratamiento de adicciones en el norte del estado de Nueva York. Pensó que funcionaría en su estado también. La agencia estudió qué regiones registraban los niveles más altos de recetas de opioides y sobredosis pero carecían de tratamiento para la adicción.

“Escuchamos con demasiada frecuencia que en el Colorado rural y las regiones montañosas del estado no tienen el mismo acceso a los servicios que en el área metropolitana de Denver y las regiones de Front Range”, señaló Werthwein.

El estado aseguró una subvención federal de $10 millones para el programa. Su equipo trajo proveedores de salud, como la Clínica Front Range, para proporcionar el personal y operar las autocaravanas.

Una vez que estas clínicas rodantes estuvieron listas, el personal tuvo que ser entrenado para manejarlas, lo que requirió “un par de reparaciones”, dijo Werthwein. Los vehículos comenzaron a rodar por primera vez en diciembre, sirviendo eventualmente a seis regiones, y en una séptima área, un lugar donde las estrechas carreteras de montaña impedían el paso de una gran autocaravana, uno de los equipos de Werthwein viaja en SUV.

En algunas comunidades, los médicos locales y otros no han recibido bien a las autocaravanas, pensando que atraerían a los consumidores de drogas a su pueblo.

“Esperamos abordar el estigma, no sólo desde un punto de vista público, sino que esperamos mostrar a los proveedores que ‘hay una demanda en su comunidad de tratamiento asistido por medicamentos'”, explicó Werthwein.

Una vez que la subvención federal se agote en septiembre de 2022, Front Range Clinic y los otros operadores de unidades móviles heredarán y continuarán operando las autocaravanas, facturando a Medicaid y a los seguros privados como lo hacen ahora por las citas.

Al acercarse la hora de salida de la autocaravana a la 1 p.m. en Sterling, quedaba un paciente. La mujer, que pidió que no se publicara su nombre porque no quería que se la identificara públicamente como consumidora de drogas, llegó a la clínica móvil sin cita previa. Pero no podían tomarla como nueva paciente sin una muestra de orina. Durante dos horas, estuvo entrando y saliendo del baño, bebiendo botellas de agua, pero sin poder llenar el pequeño vaso de plástico. A través de la puerta del baño, el personal podía oírla llorar y maldecirse a sí misma.

Cuando la batería de la autocaravana empezaba a descargarse, la sacaron del baño. Tal vez mañana funcionaría mejor, le dijeron. Podría continuar rehidratándose durante la noche y luego encontrarse con la clínica sobre ruedas en su próxima parada, Fort Morgan, a unos 45 minutos.

Al día siguiente, seguía sin poder producir una muestra de orina, ya sea por deshidratación por el uso de sustancias o simplemente por nervios. Le pidieron que volviera cuando la autocaravana regresara a Sterling la semana siguiente, pero nunca se presentó.

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Clínicas post-Covid reciben a pacientes con síntomas persistentes después de recuperarse

Clarence Troutman sobrevivió a una estadía de dos meses en el hospital con COVID-19, y volvió casa a principios de junio. Pero está lejos de superar la enfermedad: todavía tiene dificultad para respirar y sus manos se hinchan y ponen rígidas.

“Antes de Covid, era un hombre relativamente sano de 59 años”, dijo el técnico de internet y cable de Denver, Colorado. “Si tuviera que decir dónde estoy ahora, diría alrededor del 50% de mi potencial, pero cuando volví a casa estaba al 20%”.

Troutman atribuye su progreso en gran parte a la “motivación y educación” de un nuevo programa para pacientes post-Covid de la Universidad de Colorado, una de un número pequeño pero creciente de clínicas cuyo objetivo es tratar, y estudiar, a los que han tenido la impredecible enfermedad causada por el nuevo coronavirus.

Mientras se acerca la elección presidencial en los Estados Unidos, se pone mucha atención en las cifras diarias de infecciones o en el creciente número de muertes. Pero otra medida es importante: los pacientes que sobreviven pero continúan luchando con una variedad de efectos físicos o mentales, como daño pulmonar, problemas cardíacos o neurológicos , ansiedad y depresión.

“Necesitamos pensar en cómo vamos a brindar atención a los pacientes cuya recuperación del virus puede llevar años”, dijo la doctora Sarah Jolley, neumonóloga del Hospital de la Universidad de Colorado de UCHealth y directora de la clínica Post-Covid de la UCHealth, donde se atiende Troutman.

Esa necesidad ha impulsado las clínicas post-Covid, que reúnen a una variedad de especialistas en un solo lugar.

Una de las primeras y más grandes clínicas de este tipo está en Mount Sinai, en la ciudad de Nueva York, pero también se han lanzado programas en la Universidad de California-San Francisco, el Centro Médico de la Universidad de Stanford y la Universidad de Pensilvania. La Clínica Cleveland planea abrir una a principios del próximo año.

Y no se trata solo de centros médicos académicos: St. John’s Well Child and Family Center, parte de una red de clínicas comunitarias en el centro sur de Los Ángeles, dijo recientemente que tiene como meta seguir evaluando a miles de sus pacientes que fueron diagnosticados con Covid desde marzo para analizar los efectos a plazo.

La idea general es reunir a profesionales médicos de un amplio espectro: neumonólogos, cardiólogos, y especialistas en médula espinal. También a expertos en salud mental, trabajadores sociales y farmacéuticos.

Muchos de los centros también realizan investigaciones, con el objetivo de comprender mejor por qué el virus afecta con tanta fuerza a ciertos pacientes.

“Algunos de nuestros pacientes, incluso aquéllos con un ventilador al borde de la muerte, saldrán notablemente ilesos”, dijo el doctor Lekshmi Santhosh, profesor asistente de cuidados críticos pulmonares y líder de la clínica OPTIMAL, el programa post-Covid en UC San Francisco.

“Otros, incluso los que nunca fueron hospitalizados, tienen fatiga incapacitante, dolor de pecho continuo y dificultad para respirar, y hay un gran espectro en el medio”.

Es demasiado pronto para saber cuánto tiempo durarán los síntomas y efectos físicos persistentes, o para hacer estimaciones precisas sobre el porcentaje de pacientes afectados.

Algunos estudios iniciales dan pistas. Un informe austríaco publicado en septiembre encontró que 76 de los primeros 86 pacientes estudiados tenían evidencia de daño pulmonar seis semanas después de haber recibido el alta, número que se redujo a 48 pacientes a las 12 semanas.

Algunos investigadores y clínicas dicen que alrededor del 10% de los pacientes con Covid en los Estados Unidos pueden tener efectos a largo plazo, dijo el doctor Zijian Chen, director médico del Centro de Atención Post-Covid en Mount Sinai, que a la fecha ha inscrito a 400 pacientes.

Si esa estimación es correcta, y Chen enfatizó que se necesita más investigación para asegurarlo, se traducirá en pacientes que ingresan al sistema médico en masa, a menudo con múltiples problemas.

La forma en que respondan los sistemas de salud y las aseguradoras será clave, dijo. Más de 6.5 millones de estadounidenses han dado positivo para la enfermedad. Si menos del 10%, digamos 500,000, ya tienen síntomas persistentes, “esa cifra es asombrosa”, dijo Chen. “¿Cuánta atención médica se necesitará?”.

Aunque los costos iniciales podrían ser un obstáculo, las clínicas mismas pueden eventualmente generar ingresos, que los centros médicos necesitan, al atraer pacientes, muchos de los cuales tienen un seguro para cubrir parte o la totalidad del costo de estas visitas a largo plazo.

Chen, de Mount Sinai, dijo que los centros especializados pueden ayudar a reducir el gasto en salud al brindar una atención coordinada y más rentable que evite la duplicación de pruebas a las que un paciente podría someterse de otra manera.

“Hemos visto pacientes que cuando los internan, ya se han hecho cuatro resonancias magnéticas o tomografías computarizadas y una cantidad de análisis de sangre”, dijo.

El programa consolida esos resultados anteriores y determina si se necesitan pruebas adicionales. A veces, la respuesta a las causas de los síntomas duraderos de los pacientes sigue siendo difícil de obtener. Un problema para los pacientes que buscan ayuda fuera de las clínicas especializadas es que cuando no hay una causa clara para su condición, se les puede decir que los síntomas son imaginarios.

“Creo en los pacientes”, dijo Chen.

Aproximadamente la mitad de los pacientes de la clínica han recibido resultados de pruebas que muestran daños, explicó Chen, endocrinólogo y especialista en medicina interna. Para esos pacientes, la clínica puede desarrollar un plan de tratamiento. Pero, y es frustrante, la otra mitad tiene resultados no concluyentes aunque presenta una variedad de síntomas.

“Eso hace que sea más difícil de tratar”, dijo Chen.

Los expertos ven paralelismos con un impulso en la última década para establecer clínicas especiales para tratar a los pacientes dados de alta de terapias intensivas, que pueden tener problemas relacionados con el reposo en cama a largo plazo o el delirio que muchos experimentan mientras están hospitalizados. Algunas de las clínicas post-Covid siguen el modelo de las de post-terapia intensiva o son versiones ampliadas de este modelo.

Por ejemplo, el Centro de Recuperación de terapia intensiva del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Vanderbilt, que abrió en 2012, está aceptando pacientes post-Covid.

Hay alrededor de una docena de estas clínicas nivel nacional, algunas de las cuales también están trabajando ahora con pacientes de Covid, dijo James Jackson, director de resultados a largo plazo en el centro de Vanderbilt. Al menos otra docena de centros post-Covid están en desarrollo.

Los centros generalmente realizan una evaluación inicial unas semanas después que un paciente es diagnosticado o dado de alta del hospital, generalmente con una videollamada. Luego se programa una visita al mes.

“En un mundo ideal, con estas clínicas post-Covid, se puede identificar a los pacientes y llevarlos a rehabilitación”, dijo. “Incluso si lo principal que hicieron estas clínicas fue decirles a los pacientes: ‘Esto es real, no es un invento’, ese impacto sería importante”, agrego Jackson.

El financiamiento es el mayor obstáculo. Muchos hospitales perdieron ingresos sustanciales por la cancelación de procedimientos electivos durante las cuarentenas.

“Entonces, no es un buen momento para lanzar una nueva actividad que requiere un subsidio inicial”, dijo Glenn Melnick, profesor de Economía de la Salud en la Universidad del Sur de California.

En UCSF, un grupo selecto de miembros de la facultad forman parte del personal de las clínicas post-Covid y algunos profesionales de salud mental ofrecen su tiempo como voluntarios, dijo Santhosh. Chen, de Mount Sinai, dijo que pudo reclutar profesionales de salud entre los que tenían más tiempo libre a  falta de procedimientos electivos.

Jackson, en Vanderbilt, dijo que lamentablemente no ha habido suficiente investigación sobre el costo y la efectividad clínica de los centros post-terapia intensiva.

“En los primeros días, puede haber habido dudas sobre cuánto valor agrega esto”, apuntó. “Ahora, la pregunta no es tanto si es una buena idea, sino si es factible”.

En este momento, los centros post-Covid son ante todo un esfuerzo de investigación, dijo Len Nichols, economista y becario no residente del Urban Institute.

“Si estos pacientes mejoran con el tratamiento de los síntomas a largo plazo, eso es bueno para todos”, dijo Nichols. “Todavía no hay suficientes pacientes para convertirlo en un modelo de negocio, pero si se convierte en el lugar al que acudir luego del alta, podría resultar en un modelo de negocio para algunas de las instituciones de élite”.

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Post-COVID Clinics Get Jump-Start From Patients With Lingering Illness

Clarence Troutman survived a two-month hospital stay with COVID-19, then went home in early June. But he’s far from over the disease, still suffering from limited endurance, shortness of breath and hands that can be stiff and swollen.

“Before COVID, I was a 59-year-old, relatively healthy man,” said the broadband technician from Denver. “If I had to say where I’m at now, I’d say about 50% of where I was, but when I first went home, I was at 20%.”

He credits much of his progress to the “motivation and education” gleaned from a new program for post-COVID patients at the University of Colorado, one of a small but growing number of clinics aimed at treating and studying those who have had the unpredictable coronavirus.

As the election nears, much attention is focused on daily infection numbers or the climbing death toll, but another measure matters: Patients who survive but continue to wrestle with a range of physical or mental effects, including lung damage, heart or neurological concerns, anxiety and depression.

“We need to think about how we’re going to provide care for patients who may be recovering for years after the virus,” said Dr. Sarah Jolley, a pulmonologist with UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital and director of UCHealth’s Post-Covid Clinic, where Troutman is seen.

That need has jump-started post-COVID clinics, which bring together a range of specialists into a one-stop shop.

One of the first and largest such clinics is at Mount Sinai in New York City, but programs have also launched at the University of California-San Francisco, Stanford University Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania. The Cleveland Clinic plans to open one early next year. And it’s not just academic medical centers: St. John’s Well Child and Family Center, part of a network of community clinics in South Central Los Angeles, said this month it aims to test thousands of its patients who were diagnosed with COVID since March for long-term effects.

The general idea is to bring together medical professionals across a broad spectrum, including physicians who specialize in lung disorders, heart issues and brain and spinal cord problems. Mental health specialists are also involved, along with social workers and pharmacists. Many of the centers also do research studies, aiming to better understand why the virus hits certain patients so hard.

“Some of our patients, even those on a ventilator on death’s door, will come out remarkably unscathed,” said Dr. Lekshmi Santhosh, an assistant professor of pulmonary critical care and a leader of the post-COVID program at UC-San Francisco, called the OPTIMAL clinic. “Others, even those who were never hospitalized, have disabling fatigue, ongoing chest pain and shortness of breath, and there’s a whole spectrum in between.”

‘Staggering’ Medical Need

It’s too early to know how long the persistent medical effects and symptoms will linger, or to make accurate estimates on the percentage of patients affected.

Some early studies are sobering. An Austrian report released this month found that 76 of the first 86 patients studied had evidence of lung damage six weeks after hospital discharge, but that dropped to 48 patients at 12 weeks.

Some researchers and clinics say about 10% of U.S. COVID patients they see may have longer-running effects, said Dr. Zijian Chen, medical director of the Center for Post-COVID Care at Mount Sinai, which has enrolled 400 patients so far.

If that estimate is correct — and Chen emphasized that more research is needed to make sure — it translates to patients entering the medical system in droves, often with multiple issues.

How health systems and insurers respond will be key, he said. More than 6.5 million U.S. residents have tested positive for the disease. If fewer than 10% — say 500,000 — already have long-lasting symptoms, “that number is staggering,” Chen said. “How much medical care will be needed for that?”

Though startup costs could be a hurdle, the clinics themselves may eventually draw much-needed revenue to medical centers by attracting patients, many of whom have insurance to cover some or all of the cost of repeated visits.

Chen at Mount Sinai said the specialized centers can help lower health spending by providing more cost-effective, coordinated care that avoids duplicative testing a patient might otherwise undergo.

“We’ve seen patients that when they come in, they’ve already had four MRI or CT scans and a stack of bloodwork,” he said.

The program consolidates those earlier results and determines if any additional testing is needed. Sometimes the answer to what’s causing patients’ long-lasting symptoms remains elusive. One problem for patients seeking help outside of dedicated clinics is that when there is no clear cause for their condition, they may be told the symptoms are imagined.

“I believe in the patients,” said Chen.

About half the clinic’s patients have received test results showing damage, said Chen, an endocrinologist and internal medicine physician. For those patients, the clinic can develop a treatment plan. But, frustratingly, the other half have inconclusive test results yet exhibit a range of symptoms.

“That makes it more difficult to treat,” said Chen.

Experts see parallels to a push in the past decade to establish special clinics to treat patients released from ICU wards, who may have problems related to long-term bed rest or the delirium many experience while hospitalized. Some of the current post-COVID clinics are modeled after the post-ICU clinics or are expanded versions of them.

The ICU Recovery Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, for instance, which opened in 2012, is accepting post-COVID patients.

There are about a dozen post-ICU clinics nationally, some of which are also now working with COVID patients, said James Jackson, director of long-term outcomes at the Vanderbilt center. In addition, he’s heard of at least another dozen post-COVID centers in development.

The centers generally do an initial assessment a few weeks after a patient is diagnosed or discharged from the hospital, often by video call. Check-in and repeat visits are scheduled every month or so after that.

“In an ideal world, with these post-COVID clinics, you can identify the patients and get them into rehab,” he said. “Even if the primary thing these clinics did was to say to patients, ‘This is real, it is not all in your head,’” he added, “that impact would be important.”

A Question of Feasibility

Financing is the largest obstacle, program proponents say. Many hospitals lost substantial revenue to canceled elective procedures during stay-at-home periods.

“So, it’s not a great time to be pitching a new activity that requires a startup subsidy,” said Glenn Melnick, a professor of health economics at the University of Southern California.

At UCSF, a select group of faculty members staff the post-COVID clinics and some mental health professionals volunteer their time, said Santhosh. Mount Sinai’s Chen said he was able to recruit team members and support staff from the ranks of those whose elective patient caseload had dropped.

Jackson, at Vanderbilt, said unfortunately there’s not been enough research into the cost-and-clinical effectiveness of post-ICU centers.

“In the early days, there may have been questions about how much value does this add,” he noted. “Now, the question is not so much is it a good idea, but is it feasible?”

Right now, the post-COVID centers are foremost a research effort, said Len Nichols, an economist and nonresident fellow at the Urban Institute.

“If these guys get good at treating long-term symptoms, that’s good for all of us,” said Nichols. “There’s not enough patients to make it a business model yet, but if they become the place to go when you get it, it could become a business model for some of the elite institutions.”

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What We Know About the Airborne Spread of the Coronavirus

The federal government did a quick pivot on the threat of the coronavirus spreading through the air, changing a key piece of guidance over the weekend.

On Sept. 18, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that tiny airborne particles, not just the bigger water droplets from a sneeze or cough, could infect others. It cited growing “evidence.”

By Sept. 21, that warning was gone from its website, with a note saying it had been posted in error and the CDC was in the process of updating its recommendations.

The move put the CDC in the middle of a debate over how the coronavirus infects people. Its guidelines could make the difference between restaurants, bars and other places where people gather fully reopening sooner or much later.

And it raised more questions about politics at the public health agency and whether White House officials are dictating policy to health authorities.

So what does the science on airborne transmission actually say?

The emerging picture is a work-in-progress, but many of the pieces do point toward the potential for airborne transmission.

The Challenge of Proving Airborne Transmission

The CDC’s retracted language said, “There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by others, and travel distances beyond 6 feet (for example, during choir practice, in restaurants, or in fitness classes).”

Why is this a big deal? It means the guidelines for proper physical distancing might need to be increased.

Six feet is the benchmark for safety that has helped shape the reopening of schools and businesses nationwide. The number is based on the long-held finding that larger water drops from a cough are so heavy that most of them fall to the ground before the 6-foot mark.

But much smaller droplets can hang in the air longer. The debate is whether they carry enough of the virus to infect another person. If the answer is yes, the implications for everyday life could be substantial.

University of Maryland Medical School professor Donald Milton sees plenty of evidence that airborne transmission is a major factor, but he emphasized that a definitive answer is hard to come by.

No one disagrees that being near someone with the disease is the main threat. But Milton said what happens during that time is tough to untangle.

“It could be they cough and you get infected by getting a direct hit on your eye or mouth,” Milton said. “Or could it be through an airborne particle that you inhale. Or you might have touched something and then touched your nose or your mouth. It’s fiendishly difficult to sort that out.”

That said, many incidents and studies point toward the idea that airborne particles play a bigger role than has been thought.

The Research

An international group of researchers from China, Australia and the United States recently reviewed the evidence for airborne transmission. They concluded it was highly plausible.

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that one minute of loud talking could produce “1,000 virus-containing droplet nuclei that could remain airborne for more than eight minutes.”

The authors’ conclusion? “These are likely to be inhaled by others and hence trigger new infections.”

Public transit is a key testing ground.

In China, scientists looked at 126 passengers on two buses making a trip that lasted about an hour and a half. One bus was virus-free, the other had one infected rider. The people on the bus with the virus were 41.5 times more likely to be infected.

Many other researchers have noted the super-spreading event at the 2½-hour-long choir practice of the Skagit Valley Chorale in Mount Vernon, Washington. Of the 61 people who attended, there were 53 confirmed and potential cases and two deaths.

University of Florida study sampled the air in the hospital rooms of two COVID patients. They found aerosol particles carrying enough viral load to infect someone more than 15 feet away from the patients.

In July, 239 researchers co-signed an open letter that called on national and international health agencies to “recognize the potential for airborne spread” of COVID-19.

Credible studies, they wrote, “have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that viruses are released during exhalation, talking, and coughing in microdroplets small enough to remain aloft in air and pose a risk of exposure.”

Still, a July World Health Organization report found while airborne transmission was possible, more robust research was needed to confirm that it presents an appreciable risk.

If public health leaders take airborne transmission more seriously, Milton said, there are a few implications. Most business activity could continue, but restaurants and bars — because masks don’t fit with eating and drinking — would face a higher hurdle.

Beyond that, more attention to ventilation in more closed spaces becomes important, as does the supply of N95 masks. Those masks continue to be in short supply.

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The First Presidential Debate: A Night of Rapid-Fire Interruptions and Inaccuracies

Tuesday night, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden appeared for the first presidential debate, offering voters their first side-by-side comparison of the candidates.

Little was said about what either candidate would do if elected; at one point, Biden’s attempts to explain his health care plan were drowned out by Trump’s persistent interruptions about Biden’s Democratic primary opponents.

Instead, the presidential nominees traded a dizzying array of accusations and falsehoods. Our partners at PolitiFact unpacked a number of them for you in their wide-ranging debate night fact check.

Here are some health care highlights:

Trump: “I’m getting [insulin] so cheap it’s like water.”
Rating: Mostly False

Trump signed an executive order on insulin at the end of July, but the scope was limited. It targeted a select group of health care providers that represent fewer than 2% of the relevant outlets for insulin. Between 2017 and 2018, insulin prices for seniors rose.

“The truth is that patients who need drugs like insulin are having a hard time affording them, particularly for the many who are now uninsured,” said Vanderbilt Medical Center’s Stacie Dusetzina.

Biden: “The president has no plan” for the coronavirus pandemic.
Needs context

The Trump administration has announced a plan for distributing vaccines. The plan shows that the federal government aims to make the two-dose vaccine free of cost, for instance.

However, public health experts have said Trump and his administration did not have a plan to combat the pandemic or a national testing plan.

Biden: Trump suggested that “maybe you could inject some bleach in your arm and that would take care of [the coronavirus].”
Needs context

Trump did not explicitly suggest that people inject bleach into their arms. He did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection. The comment came after an administration official presented a study that found sun exposure and cleaning agents like bleach could kill the virus when it lingers on surfaces.

Trump said at the time: “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”

During the debate Tuesday, Trump discounted his previous remarks as “sarcastic.”

Trump: Biden “wants to shut down the country.”
Needs context

In an interview with CBS News, Biden was asked if he was prepared to shut down the country to deal with the coronavirus.

“I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives, because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus,” Biden said. “In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing, and people employed, you have to fix the virus, you have to deal with the virus.”

And then he said, “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists.”

Trump: “We guaranteed preexisting conditions.”

President Trump signed an executive order on Sept. 24 that says those with preexisting conditions will be able to get affordable health care coverage. The executive order language was a response to criticisms about Trump’s efforts against the Affordable Care Act. However, legal and health policy experts said the executive order guarantees nothing near the protections in the ACA. The experts said actual congressional legislation, not this type of order, is necessary to maintain these preexisting conditions protections if the ACA goes away.

Biden: “One in 1,000 African Americans has been killed because of the coronavirus.”
Needs context

It’s tough to say precisely how many African Americans have died of COVID-19 because the government does not have complete information about the race and ethnicity of those who have died. But based on the limited available data, Biden seems to be in the ballpark. Earlier this month, the research arm of American Public Media found that 1 in 1,020 Black Americans have died of the virus — the highest mortality rate of any racial group nationwide — based on death rate data collected from every state and the District of Columbia.

Trump: “Dr. Fauci said the opposite, he said very strongly,” challenging Biden’s statement that no “serious person” would say masks weren’t important in reducing the spread of COVID-19. 


In a March 7 CBS News interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.” At the time, still early in the COVID pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was not recommending that Americans wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Masks were instead being reserved for health care workers, because there were concerns about shortages of personal protective equipment.

As it became clear that many people were asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, the CDC updated its guidelines April 3 to recommend wearing masks. Fauci later acknowledged the resulting confusion but said public health leaders were making decisions based on the information they had at the time. He has since maintained that masks are important in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

This report was written by PolitiFact staff writers Jon Greenberg, Louis Jacobson, Amy Sherman, Samantha Putterman, Miriam Valverde, Bill McCarthy, Noah Y. Kim and Daniel Funke and KHN reporters Victoria Knight and Emmarie Huetteman.

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Tuesday 29 September 2020

‘No Mercy’ Explores the Fallout After a Small Town Loses Its Hospital

Can’t see the audio player? Click here to listen.

Each season, “Where It Hurts” takes you somewhere new —  to an overlooked part of the country to explore cracks in the American health system that leave people frustrated — and without the care they need. The story begins in Fort Scott, Kansas. Rural. Deeply Christian. And sicker than other parts of the state. When Mercy Hospital shut its doors, the town’s sense of identity wavered. Season One “No Mercy” is about the people who remain, surviving the best way they know how. Host and investigative journalist Sarah Jane Tribble spent more than a year revisiting southeastern Kansas, where she grew up, to document the sparking tensions, anger and fear many people felt as they struggled to come to terms with the hospital’s closure.

Chapter 1: ‘It Is What It Is’

Midwesterners aren’t known for complaining. But after Mercy Hospital Fort Scott closed, hardship trickled down to people whose lives were already hard. Pat Wheeler has emphysema. Her husband, Ralph, has end-stage kidney failure, and the couple are barely making ends meet as they raise their teenage grandson. Pat is angry with hospital executives who she said yanked a lifeline from residents. “They took more than a hospital from us,” she said.

Click here to read the episode transcript.

Pat Wheeler(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)

“Where It Hurts” is a podcast collaboration between KHN and St. Louis Public Radio. Season One extends the storytelling from Sarah Jane Tribble’s award-winning series, “No Mercy.”

Subscribe to Where It Hurts on iTunes, Stitcher, Google, Spotify or Pocket Casts.

And to hear all KHN podcasts, click here.

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‘You’re Going to Release Him When He Was Hurting Himself?’

When Joe Prude called Rochester, New York, police to report his brother missing, he was struggling to understand why Daniel Prude had been released from the hospital hours earlier. Joe Prude described his brother’s suicidal behavior.

“He jumped 21 stairs down to my basement, headfirst,” Joe said in a video recorded by the responding officer’s body camera in the early hours of March 23. Joe’s wife, Valerie, described Daniel nearly jumping in front of a train on the tracks that run behind their house the previous day.

“The train missed him by this much,” Joe said, holding his thumb and pointer finger a few inches apart.

“When the doctor called me and told me that they released him, I’m saying, ‘How you going to sit here and tell me you’re going to release him when he was hurting himself? Come on. You weren’t sworn to do that,’” he said on the body camera footage.

At the point of this recorded conversation just after 3 a.m., Joe and Valerie Prude knew only that Daniel was missing, delusional and vulnerable. They didn’t know his next encounter with the police would be fatal.

Police would find Daniel minutes later ― naked, acting irrationally. Because he spat in the direction of officers and allegedly said he had the novel coronavirus, officers placed a white hood, called a “spit hood,” over his head. When he started trying to stand up, despite being restrained by handcuffs, an officer placed much of his body weight over Daniel’s head and pushed it into the pavement.

Daniel died a week later when his family took him off life support. The county medical examiner’s autopsy described his death as a homicide and listed the immediate cause of death as “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint.” The incident garnered widespread attention as another example of a Black man killed after an encounter with police.

Less attention has been paid to what happened to Daniel Prude in the preceding hours, when he was treated and released after a psychiatric assessment at Strong Memorial Hospital, run by the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Joe Prude called police at about 7 p.m. on March 22 because he needed help getting Daniel to the hospital. Daniel had been having problems with a PCP addiction, Joe told officers. Now he had begun telling Joe and Valerie that people were out to get him, and he wanted to die.

By about 11 p.m., Daniel was released from the hospital, according to Joe and police records. “He was calm as hell when he got back here,” Joe told police.

That didn’t last.

“He was fine for a little bit, then all of a sudden started acting crazy,” Joe said. He told police that Daniel asked him for a cigarette, and when he went to get one, Daniel took off running. He was barefoot, wearing only a tank top and long johns in 30-degree weather.

“He was gone. Track star status. Hauled ass like Carl Lewis,” Joe told the officer.

Around 3 a.m. the next day, four hours after his release from the hospital, emergency dispatchers started fielding calls about Daniel Prude. His brother reported him missing, and a tow truck driver spotted him, naked and bloodied, on West Main Street, police records show.

Police body camera footage shows that by 3:20 a.m., officer Mark Vaughn was pressing Daniel Prude’s head into the pavement.

While restrained, Prude stopped breathing. An ambulance crew resuscitated him, but he was in critical condition. His brain was damaged after being deprived of oxygen. He died a week later at Strong Memorial after being taken off life support.

The University of Rochester Medical Center said patient privacy laws bar it from discussing the specifics of Prude’s treatment and release, but, in general terms, spokesperson Chip Partner said, the hospital is bound by a New York state law that requires patients to be released within 24 hours unless they have a mental illness that is likely to result in serious harm to themselves or others and that requires immediate observation, care and hospital treatment.

The details of Prude’s encounters with law enforcement and the health care system offer a look into the practice of emergency psychiatry, and how, as in many branches of medicine in the U.S., mistakes in that field are disproportionately borne by Black people.

Medical decisions in a case like Daniel Prude’s are high-stakes, with little margin for error, said Dr. Ken Duckworth, chief medical officer of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

“Emergency psychiatric assessment is very challenging, and the potential for catastrophic outcomes following your decision is very real,” he said.

The hospital where Prude died has faced scrutiny over its treatment of psychiatric patients and discharge procedures before.

In April 2018, federal inspectors found security officers at the hospital had used law enforcement restraint techniques against a pediatric psychiatry patient, breaking her arm and sending her to the emergency room.

Months later, inspectors found the hospital discharged a patient who was in the emergency room with a history of dementia and multiple medical problems despite a discrepancy in her address between her medical record and the information she gave hospital staff.

Two years earlier, inspectors found that hospital staff had placed patients in ankle and wrist restraints without an order to do so, and placed another patient in restraints without documenting when the restraints were released. Restraints are meant to be used only with a physician’s order, and federal rules require precise documentation of their use.

None of these incidents at Strong Memorial Hospital garnered media attention at the time they happened or at the time the reports were made public.

Strong spokesperson Partner said that immediately after the April 2018 inspection the hospital changed its public safety protocol to eliminate the use of law enforcement techniques to manage a violent patient unless that patient is being arrested.

He said updated staff training and discharge protocol after these incidents now mitigates the risk of discharging someone who was not ready to be released. “These protocols were well established in 2020 and had absolutely no bearing on the evaluation or treatment of Daniel Prude on March 22,” Partner said.

Prude’s case is unusual because the consequences of the decision by doctors to release him have played out so publicly, said Duckworth. Usually, emergency room psychiatrists never find out what happened to their patients.

“You make a very big decision, which usually has no known outcome. You put this person in the hospital, you go on to the next patient. You send this person home, you go on to the next patient,” he said.

Duckworth said he would not second-guess the actions of Prude’s hospital team in the moment, but with the benefit of hindsight, “there’s overwhelming evidence that he had a psychotic illness and was quite vulnerable,” he said. “He didn’t need to die.”

In a statement, URMC said its treatment of Prude was “medically appropriate and compassionate.”

Several oversight organizations are investigating.

The Joint Commission, which certifies hospitals to receive federal funding, said it’s reviewing Prude’s treatment at Strong. New York state’s Justice Center is investigating on behalf of the state Office of Mental Health.

The university medical center itself is still conducting an internal clinical review.

In response to questions from NPR and KHN about whether the hospital’s treatment of Prude could have been affected by his race, Partner said the medical center asked Dr. Altha Stewart, past president of the American Psychiatric Association, “to conduct a third-party independent review through her lens as a national expert on racism and bias in psychiatric care.”

In a separate interview before the request from URMC, she described how unconscious bias can cloud clinicians’ judgment and make it difficult for them to make the best possible decisions for their patients.

“It is very clear that in today’s health care system, bias is built in structurally,” Stewart said. “Seeing a tall, imposing Black man who is behaving aggressively puts in place a series of ideas and thoughts and assumptions that direct decision-making.”

Psychiatric disorders in Black patients are less likely to be taken seriously than in white patients, Stewart said. Unequal treatment starts early.

Black boys are viewed as adults more often than white boys of the same age, said Stewart, who is also the director of the Center for Health in Justice Involved Youth.

“So a Black child with a meltdown is described as aggressive, obstinate, oppositional,” she said, “as opposed to traumatized, depressed, anxious.”

Those expectations follow Black boys through adulthood and in the health care system, increasing the odds that doctors will view Black men as a lost cause and provide subpar care, Stewart said.

She stressed that she does not have any direct knowledge of deficiencies in the care of Daniel Prude, but she said that Black men, like Prude, are disproportionately likely to be misdiagnosed, mistreated and written off as a result of structural bias and unconscious racism.

A group of medical students at the University of Rochester wrote in an open letter that Daniel Prude was “sentenced to death by our failed healthcare system.”

“Not only do our current models of healthcare leave gaping holes for individuals such as Daniel to fall through, but they do so in manners which are fraught with racism,” the students wrote.

Partner, the medical center spokesperson, said the psychiatry department’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Culture and Equity will evaluate Daniel’s treatment for potential bias. He said the medical center “recognizes that we have a long way to go before we can confidently say that our policies and practices are universally culturally appropriate to the populations we serve.”

Both Stewart and Duckworth said reducing the role that police play in addressing mental health crises would increase the odds of survival for a person released too early from psychiatric care.

Federal inspection reports show that hospitals across the country have released patients who, like Prude, ended up in grave danger only shortly thereafter.

In March 2018, a patient with a history of schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide attempts arrived at Russell County Hospital in Kentucky complaining of alcohol withdrawal, depression, anxiety and pain. An hour and a half later, the patient was discharged with instructions to “follow up with his/her primary care provider and take medications as prescribed.” Two hours later, the patient was back in the same hospital. A physician’s notes said the patient had drunk a bottle of Benadryl “in effort to kill self.”

In August 2018, federal inspectors found that UT Health East Texas Pittsburg Hospital discharged a patient who had verbalized a plan for suicide. The patient got a ride to his truck from the county sheriff. Later that day, the patient was found dead in the truck from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Last summer at Stafford County Hospital in Kansas, a patient arrived in the emergency room saying she had drunk half a liter of vodka because she was upset and wanted to die. She told hospital staff that she started drinking that day after two years of sobriety and that she “did not feel safe to go home due to the presence of alcohol.” The hospital discharged her 11 minutes later.

Earlier this year, inspectors found that a patient with a history of psychosis went to the emergency room at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis and told staff she needed to get back on her medication. She was delusional, disoriented, homeless and unable to give her name. She was discharged with a voucher for cab fare but no follow-up appointments or services and no plan to ensure she got her medication.

A spokesperson for UT Health East Texas said the health system has since implemented a process for staff to more thoroughly document mental health concerns in patient records. Mercy Hospital in St. Louis said it takes the health and safety of each patient very seriously “regardless of race, ethnicity or ability to pay.”

Neither of the other hospitals responded to emails or calls seeking comment.

This story is part of a partnership that includes Side Effects Public MediaNPR and KHN.

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Efforts to Keep COVID-19 out of Prisons Fuel Outbreaks in County Jails

When Joshua Martz tested positive for COVID-19 this summer in a Montana jail, guards moved him and nine other inmates with the disease into a pod so cramped that some slept on mattresses on the floor.

Martz, 44, said he suffered through symptoms that included achy joints, a sore throat, fever and an unbearable headache. Jail officials largely avoided interacting with the COVID patients other than by handing out over-the-counter painkillers and cough syrup, he said. Inmates sanitized their hands with a spray bottle containing a blue liquid that Martz suspected was also used to mop the floors. A shivering inmate was denied a request for an extra blanket, so Martz gave him his own.

“None of us expected to be treated like we were in a hospital, like we’re a paying customer. That’s just not how it’s going to be,” said Martz, who has since been released on bail while his case is pending in court. “But we also thought we should have been treated with respect.”

The overcrowded Cascade County Detention Center in Great Falls, where Martz was held, is one of three Montana jails experiencing COVID outbreaks. In the Great Falls jail alone, 140 cases have been confirmed among inmates and guards since spring, with 60 active cases as of mid-September.

When inmate Joshua Martz tested positive for COVID-19 this summer at the Cascade County Detention Center in Great Falls, Montana, guards moved him and nine other inmates with the disease into a pod so cramped that some slept on mattresses on the floor.(Matt Volz/KHN)

By contrast, the Montana state prison system has the second-lowest infection rate in the nation, according to the COVID Prison Project. No confirmed coronavirus cases have been reported at the men’s prison out of 595 inmates tested. The women’s prison had just one confirmed case out of 305 inmates tested, according to Montana Department of Corrections data.

One reason for the high COVID count in jails and the low count in prisons is that Montana for months halted “county intakes,” or the transfer of people from county jails to the state prison system after conviction. Sheriffs in charge of the county jails blame their outbreaks on overcrowding partly caused by that state policy.

Restricting transfers into state prisons is a practice that’s also been instituted elsewhere in the U.S. as a measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Colorado, California, Texas and New Jersey are among the states that suspended inmate intakes from county jails in the spring.

But it’s also shifted the problem. Space was already a rare commodity in these local jails, and some sheriffs see the halting of transfers as giving the prisons room to improve the health and safety of their inmates at the expense of those in jail, who often haven’t been convicted.

The Cascade County jail was built to hold a maximum of 372 inmates, but the population has regularly exceeded that since the pandemic began, including dozens of Montana Department of Corrections inmates awaiting transfer.

“I’m getting criticized from various judges and citizens saying, ‘Why aren’t you quarantining everybody appropriately and why aren’t you social-distancing them?’” Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter said. “The truth is, if I didn’t have 40 DOC inmates in my facility I could better do that.”

Unlike convicted offenders in state prisons, most jail inmates are only accused of a crime. They include a disproportionately high number of poor people who cannot afford to post bail to secure their release before trial or the resolution of their cases. If they do post bail or are released after spending time in a jail with a COVID outbreak, they risk bringing the disease home with them.

Andrew Harris, a professor of criminology and justice studies at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, said he finds it troubling that more attention is not paid to the conditions that lead to COVID outbreaks in jails.

“Jails are part of our communities,” Harris said. “We have people who work in these jails who go back to their families every night, we have people who go in and out of these jails on very short notice, and we have to think about jail populations as community members first and foremost.”

Some states have tried other ways to ensure county inmates don’t bring COVID-19 into prisons. In Colorado, for example, officials lifted their suspension on county intakes and are transferring inmates first to a single prison in Canon City, Department of Corrections spokesperson Annie Skinner said. There, inmates are tested and quarantined in single cells for 14 days before being relocated to other state facilities.

Outbreaks are also occurring in county jails in states that never stopped transferring inmates to state prison. Several jails in Missouri have experienced significant outbreaks, with Greene County reporting in mid-August that 83 inmates and 29 staffers had tested positive. Missouri Department of Corrections spokesperson Karen Pojmann said the state never opted to stop transfers from county jails, likely because of a robust screening and quarantine procedure implemented early in the pandemic.

At least 1,590 inmates and 440 staff members have tested positive for COVID-19 in Missouri’s 22 prison facilities since March, according to state data. The COVID Prison Project ranks Missouri’s case rate 25th among the states — better than some states that halted inmate transfers, including Colorado, Texas and California.

The halting of transfers was a critical part of the response by officials in California, whose prisons have been among the hardest hit by COVID-19. An outbreak at San Quentin State Prison this summer helped spur Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom to order the early release of 10,000 inmates from prisons statewide.

Stefano Bertozzi, dean emeritus at the University of California-Berkeley School of Public Health, visited San Quentin before the outbreak, and afterward helped pen an urgent memo outlining immediate actions needed to avert disaster. He recommended halting all intakes at the prison and slashing its population of 3,547 inmates in half. At that point, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation was already more than two months into an intake freeze.

Overcrowding has long been an issue for criminal justice reform advocates. But for Bertozzi, the term “overcrowding” needs to be redefined in the context of COVID-19, with an emphasis on exposure risk. Three inmates sharing a cell designed for two is a bad way to live, he said, “especially for the guy who’s on the floor.” But if those cells are enclosed, they offer far better protection from COVID-19 than 20 inmates sharing a congregate dorm designed for 20.

“It’s how many people are breathing the same air,” Bertozzi said.

Some California county jails struggled. In July, inmates in Tulare County’s facility, where 22 cases had been reported, filed a class action suit against Sheriff Mike Boudreaux alleging he’d failed to provide face masks and other safeguards. U.S. District Court Judge Dale Drozd ruled in favor of the inmates in early September, directing Boudreaux to implement official policies requiring face coverings and social distancing.

California resumed county intakes on Aug. 24 following the development of guidelines designed to control transmission risk and prioritize counties with the greatest need for space. But a huge backlog remains: 6,552 state inmates were still being held in county jails as of mid-September, according to corrections officials.

In Montana, the number of inmates at county jails awaiting transfer to prisons and other state corrections facilities was 238 at the beginning of September, according to state data obtained through a public records request.

Montana and county officials butted heads over delays in inmate transfers before the coronavirus, but the pandemic has increased the stakes.

“Once we had the issue with the pandemic and we had to maintain space for quarantining and isolating inmates, then it became even more critical because the space wasn’t really available,” Yellowstone County Sheriff Mike Linder said.

Montana Department of Corrections Director Reginald Michael acknowledged to state lawmakers in August that halting county intakes places a strain on counties but said it was “the right thing to do.”

“This is one of the reasons why I think our prisons are not inundated with the virus spread,” he told the Law and Justice Interim Committee.

Committee Chairman Rep. Barry Usher, a Republican, gave Michael his endorsement: “Sounds like you guys are doing a good job keeping it controlled and out of our prison systems, and everybody in Montana appreciates that.”

Since then, Montana officials have transferred up to 25 inmates a week, but they continue to block transfers from the three counties with outbreaks: Cascade, Yellowstone and Big Horn.

Martz dreaded the thought of COVID-19 following him out of jail. So much so that, after his release in early September, he walked to an RV park, where his wife met him with a tent.

Despite having tested negative for the virus prior to his release, he self-quarantined for a week before going home. The hardest part, he said, was not being able to immediately hug his 5-year-old stepdaughter. It “sucked,” but it’s what he felt he had to do.

“If somebody’s grandpa or grandmother had gotten it because I was careless and they ended up dying because of it, I’d feel horrible,” said Martz, who has returned home. “That’d be a horrible thing to do.”

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